Need help? Check out our FAQs, and contact information below.
How can we help you? This page provides answers for all the most common questions we receive.
With RFM 2025 I’ve experienced a crash or the game fails to launch, where can I get help?
If you find you’re having problems when playing or trying to run RFM 2025 please contact us at [email protected]
I think I’ve found a bug whilst playing RFM 2025, where’s the best place to raise it?
If you find an issue in one of our games or something isn’t working as expected, we have a passionate and dedicated Community Forum which is full of answers, clued up players, and our own contributers.
How can I provide feedback on player ratings and data in game?
A huge part of what makes RFM 2025 as enjoyable as it is, is the mind-boggling amount of data within the game, from all the decades and all the clubs of world football. Please see our Community Page to help keep improving this resource.
I just can’t seem to win any matches or I’m doing badly, where can I get help?
We’ve all been there when things just don’t seem to be working. Defenders making mistakes, strikers missing chances and the fans starting to get on your back. There’s one thing we’ve found over the years, it’s that if you don’t get your tactics right, even the best players won’t be able to play to their maximum potential. Try playing one player upfront (they should have a high influence score) and make them captain. If you then pack midfield you should see your
results improve.
Morale also plays an important part in how your team will play. It effects the skill of players but is not shown in the pre-match statistics summary, if players are on low morale it might be best to rest them for a few games.
Do any of Coast Gaming games cost money?
No. They are completely free and available in the App and Play stores. Our classic title Retro Football Management is also available on the Amazon games platform.
What are the best places to find out all the latest news on Retro Football games?
We send out notifications about competitions in two main places. One is in-app banner adverts informing you of the competitions and prizes available, and also through our Twitter Page.
How can I get an idea or a new feature into any Coast Gaming game?
Over the years we have had some great suggestions of new content and feature ideas from our users. If you know how to make our products better then please either email us or contact us through our Community Page.
Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ

An epic historical battle game. Control famous armies and generals through history, from Alexander the Great to Attila the Hun, keep human history on its destined course. (Coming Soon!)